
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Be Fruitful, and Multiply and Replenish the Earth"

Genesis 1:28 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth"

Some people might think that this commandment was only given to Adam and Eve. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as well as many other Christian faiths in the world, believe that God intended this commandment for all people, in all times. 

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), 2014 was the first time in seven years that the United States' birthrate went up (by 1%). Though, this is still too low for the childbearing generation to replace itself. So, why aren't more people having children?

An article in The Atlantic, titled "Why Women Choose Not To Have Children," it is stated that 
Not having children is a perfectly rational and reasonable response given that humans are essentially parasites on the face of a perfectly lovely and well-balanced planet, plowing through its natural resources, eradicating its endangered species, and ruining its most wonderful landscapes.

The majority of studies show that people are not having children because a) they are focusing on their careers and feel that that is more important, b) they cannot afford to have children, and/or c) they don't feel the desire/need to have children.

Here's a video where the costs of having children are discussed:

Ultimately, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe that the privilege, not the choice, to have children is sacred. The number of children that you have should be an ongoing discussion between you, your spouse, and the Lord. 

The world is already heavily influencing us on how to dress, what is cool, and what will make us happy. Why let them tell you how many children is “right?” The world doesn’t know you. The world doesn’t know what you are capable of. The world doesn’t know how much love you have to give to the amazing gift that a child is. Only YOU truly know what you are capable of, and even if you aren’t 100% sure yet, Heavenly Father knows and that is all that matters. So whether you have 2 kids, or 12, don't let the world put you down for the size of your family. Be happy that you have what you have and know that it is all for a reason and a divine purpose.

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